Executive Managing AgentZDFin NewsZDFIN HELPS YOU TAKE CARE OF THE RANDS & CENTS FOR YOUR SCHEME24/10/202224/10/2022Key to the ZDFin offering is how we tailor-make solutions to maximise the smooth running of Sectional Title Bodies Corporate,...
Executive Managing AgentZDFin NewsEXECUTIVE MANAGING AGENTS – What Are they and What is their Value to a Scheme?27/06/202220/06/2022Do we or don’t we ...is a question many sectional title schemes ask themselves when it comes to appointing an...
Executive Managing AgentZDFin NewsREPORTING – Who are EMA’s accountable to?13/06/202210/06/2022Accountability is an essential part of whether an EMA really works for a scheme. The EMA is required to manage...
Executive Managing AgentZDFin NewsIS AN EXECUTIVE MANAGING AGENT THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOUR SCHEME?21/05/202220/06/2022It’s understandable that it may be difficult for owners to hand over the reins to a third party and often...
Executive Managing AgentZDFin NewsWHY APPOINT AN EXECUTIVE MANAGING AGENT (EMA)?16/05/202216/05/2022Being a Trustee in a scheme is a time-consuming, often thankless job and requires hours of meetings and engagements, mostly...