Cash flow budgeting is notoriously complex, taking arrear levies and the associated legal costs necessary to collect these outstanding levies into account. Over the past few years, levy non-payment has become a widespread problem for bodies corporate and other community schemes.
The impact of this all too often means spiraling cash flow pressures and plummeting values in affected schemes, which is to the detriment of all owners. The dwindling functioning of schemes sees a physical deterioration of buildings that directly impacts owners daily, not to mention the massive erosion of value for all owners alike.
ZDFin’s Levy Finance and Specialist Collection services allows for a predictable and guaranteed levy income stream at preferential rates while all associated collection and legal work is overseen and managed directly by ZDFin’s in-house legal team. Importantly, fees are negotiated with ZDFin’s panel of attorneys and financed per product mechanics.
Why use our Levy Finance Service: